Welcome to Dragonflies Class
Class Teacher:
Mrs Mayo-Evans
Teaching Assistant:
Mrs Pritchard
We hope you enjoy exploring our learning throughout the year!
Parents' Information
September 2024
Welcome to an exciting year in Dragonflies class!
Our PE days will be on a Monday and Friday, Gymnastics on a Monday afternoon and Paces on a Friday morning.
Please ensure that your child has the correct PE kit and appropriate footwear.
We regard reading as high importance at Peterchurch and encourage children to read at least 5 times a week and that this is recorded in their reading log and signed by an adult. Children who met this expectation will have an additional play once a week where children who need to catch up on their reading will have the opportunity to do so.
Times tables
Please ensure that your child practises their tables using TT Rockstars. Your child can also practise using other games/apps or orally if preferred using their homework book. This is important as the children will take the statutory multiplication tables check (MTC) in June 2024. Please see further information about this below.
Please also ensure that your child has a bottle of water and coat in school daily.
Thank you for your continued support, If you have any queries, then please see me at the start/end of the school day, contact us via Dojo or through the school office.
Mrs Mayo-Evans
Curriculum Overviews
Please click on the attachment below to find out more about the curriculum for each term.
Autumn Term
Parent Workshop
PE Parent Work Shop!
Dragonflies invited their parents, carers and families into school to take part in a physical education lesson, which was ran by a specialised coach from Paces. The children enjoyed teaching their grown ups all about the importance of physical activity and discussed the 7 core benefits of being active and outdoors.
Please see the attached power point for all the information.
Roman Day!
Dragonflies have been learning about the Romans this half term and held a special day to celebrate it. Everyone dressed up in their finest Roman attire, including the teachers, and took part in themed activities including, a Latin lesson, learning Roman numerals in maths, creating a Roman mosaic vase, finishing the day with a Roman battle and banquet.
The children and teachers had so much fun!
Roman Day
Spring Term
Summer Term